Mallard Inc

NGWA Member
Mallard Inc
2228 B Hwy 177a
Bonifay, FL 32425
United States


  • Air rotary drilling (ARD)
  • Auger drilling (AUD)
  • Cable tool (CTD)
  • Comm/Industrial wells (CIW)
  • Dewatering wells (DWW)
  • Domestic wells (DOW)
  • Driven well construction (DWC)
  • Env monitoring/observation (MOW)
  • Exploration drilling/coring (EDC)
  • Geotechnical drilling/caissons (GDC)
  • Geothermal wells (GTW)
  • Horizontal wells (HDG)
  • Hydraulic push/direct push (HYD)
  • Injection wells (IJW)
  • Irrigation wells (IRW)
  • Jetted well construction (JWC)
  • Livestock wells (LIW)
  • Mud rotary (MRD)
  • Municipal wells (MUW)
  • Oil and gas wells (OGW)
  • Piezometer Installation (PIE)
  • Recovery wells (REW)
  • Reverse circulation drilling (RCD)
  • Well completion/development (WCD)
  • Well construction products (WCP)
  • Well design (WED)
  • Geothermal energy (GTE)
  • Oil and gas development (OGD)
  • Aquifer rehabilition (AQR)
  • Aquifer storage & recovery (ASR)
  • Aquifer tests (AQT)
  • Artificial aquifer recharge (AAR)
  • Borehole geophysics (BOG)
  • Conservation (CON)
  • Geophysical surveys (GES)
  • Groundwater availability (GWA)
  • Groundwater development (GWD)
  • Groundwater identification (GWI)
  • Groundwater level monitoring (GLM)
  • Internet groundwater data (IGD)
  • Mine/construction dewatering (MCD)
  • Storm water management (SWM)
  • Transboundary Aquifers (TBA)
  • Water withdrawal permitting (WWP)
  • Solar powered pumps (SPP)
  • Submersible pumps (SPI)
  • Vertical line shaft (VLS)
  • Water system accessories (WSA)
  • Contaminant control eng'ing (CCE)
  • Contaminant site assessments (CSA)
  • Environmental site assessments (ESA)
  • Health impacts (HRI)
  • Monitoring (MON)
  • Remediation (REM)
  • Risk assessment (IMA)
  • Sample acquisition, GW quality (SAQ)
  • Sample acquisition, public (SAP)
  • Sample acquisition,residential (SAA)
  • Site characteristics (SCH)
  • Soil and aquifer matrix, field (SMF)
  • Soil and aquifer matrix, lab (SML)
  • Tracing/Isotopes (TRA)
  • Vapor intrusion (VPI)
  • Water quality analysis, field (WQF)
  • Water treatment - residential (WTR)
  • Wellhead protection (WHP)
  • Downhole camera inspections (DTV)
  • Fishing (FIS)
  • Well inspection (WCI)
  • Well rehabilitation (WER)
  • Well maintenance contracts (WMC)
  • Water yield enhancement (WYE)
  • Wellhead modifications (WHM)
  • Administration/business srvs (ABS)
  • Groundwater law (GWL)
  • Legal issues (LEI)
  • Monitoring Well Construction (MWC)
  • Professional/Ethics/Business (PEB)
  • Safety (SAF)

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