
Does My Water Well Need Treatment?

April 7th, 2021|

By Gary L. Hix, R.G., CWD/PI Have you ever asked yourself: “Does my well water need treatment?” The question is not one you can answer if you have not had your water tested recently. You should ask yourself instead: “When was the last time I had my water tested?” If the answer to this question [...]

Some Common Mistakes Well Owners Make Regarding Their Wells and Equipment

March 3rd, 2021|

By Gary L. Hix, R.G., CWD/PI As a private water well contractor and well inspector for many years, I had the opportunity to observe and document a number of mistakes private well owners made to their wells and water systems. Some modifications were almost comical, while others I considered outright dangerous for the homeowner and [...]

How will you speak up for groundwater?

March 2nd, 2021|

  Next week is National Groundwater Awareness Week (March 7-13, 2021) an initiative created by the National Ground Water Association. Any resource taken for granted is a resource at risk of being lost, which is why National Groundwater Awareness Week 2021 to dedicated to advocacy of groundwater safety and protection and increasing its access across [...]

Winterizing Your Well Southern Style

February 22nd, 2021|

By:  Gary L. Hix, R.G., CWD/PI Winterizing a domestic water well means different things in different states. Private well owners in Fairbanks, Alaska, will have pitless adapter well completions with the water outlet pipe set at a depth of nine feet or greater to protect it from freezing. Our wells have above ground completions with [...]

Save the date: National Groundwater Awareness Week 2021

February 3rd, 2021|

National Groundwater Awareness Week, an initiative created by the National Ground Water Association, is slated for March 7-13, 2021. Any resource taken for granted is a resource at risk of being lost, which is why National Groundwater Awareness Week 2021 to dedicated to advocacy of groundwater safety and protection and increasing its access across the [...]

How to Select a Water Well Contractor: Free Printable Checklist

January 25th, 2021|

Not sure what to expect when searching for a new contractor? Use this free, printable checklist to help you through the hiring process. Things to keep in mind when hiring: Are they NGWA certified? NGWA certification designations include: Certified Well Driller (CWD) – Encompasses general industry knowledge, as well as practice and expertise in at least [...]

National Groundwater Awareness Week – March 7-13

January 21st, 2021|

The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) and The Groundwater Foundation (GF) have announced that National Groundwater Awareness Week (GWAW) will take place March 7-13, 2021. An annual observance established in 1999 to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater, the event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well [...]