Wayne Mesecher

NGWA Member
Wayne Mesecher
463 13th St PO Box 99
Burlington, CO 80807-0099
United States
(719) 346-7029


  • Comm/Industrial wells (CIW)
  • Irrigation wells (IRW)
  • Livestock wells (LIW)
  • Mud rotary (MRD)
  • Municipal wells (MUW)
  • Reverse circulation drilling (RCD)
  • Jet pumps (JPI)
  • Submersible pumps (SPI)
  • Vertical line shaft (VLS)
  • Downhole camera inspections (DTV)
  • Fishing (FIS)
  • Pumping tests (PUT)
  • Well rehabilitation (WER)
  • Water yield enhancement (WYE)

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